Tagged: Niuchangchih
【抗肝癌2】牛樟芝造成肝癌細胞凋亡 Induction of apoptosis in human hepatoma cells by mycelia of Antrodia camphorata
癌症治療–肝癌2 (Hepatoma, Hepa...
【抗乳癌2】 牛樟芝之抗轉移效果用於抗乳癌 Anti-metastatic activities of Antrodia camphorata against human breast cells
癌症治療–乳癌(Breast Cancer Th...
【推薦這六招】讓你聰明選擇牛樟芝! (購買前必讀,讓價值>價格)_NiuChangChih_Antrodia cinnamonmea
看完牛樟芝學院分類介紹 後 你會驚艷牛樟芝在健康照護的效果!...
【降血壓】牛樟芝的降高血壓作用 Antihypertensive Activities of Taiwanfungus (Chang-Chih) in Hypertensive Rats
從牛樟芝(NiuChangChih, Antrodia cinnamomea)甲醇萃取物中找出與「血管緊張素轉換酶」(ACE)相同作用的成分,可抑制高血壓。
【解酒3】傳說中的解酒聖品? (解酒藥推薦) Effects of Antrodia camphorata on Alcohol Clearance and Antifibrosis in Livers
解酒–解酒藥推薦(Hanover cure, A...